Monday, June 04, 2007

Robins Fledged

We returned from a weekend away to find the robin nest was empty! This surprised us as the chicks looked nowhere near ready to fly yet. However I discovered they were still in the garage this morning, flitting around all over the place barely able to fly at all with their stumpy little wings. It made getting the car out safely a bit of a challenge. So the car is going to be kept in the street in the meantime. I've since found out that robins typically fledge before they seem ready.

I managed to get pictures of a couple of them. One perched on a piece of board leaning against the wall.

Another one was hiding up in the rafters.

Friday, June 01, 2007

Alert Little Robins

The Robins are certainly more aware of their surroundings now. For a couple of days they have been alert and looking at the camera when it appears above them. Before that they did not seem aware it was anything different to their parents.

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Fulltime Robin Feeding

The Robin parents are constantly flying in and out of the garage bringing food to their brood now. Here is one of the adults bringing a load of tasty insects to the nest.

You can see the babies wing feathers developing nicely now.

Monday, May 28, 2007

Robin Feathers Growing

What a difference a few days makes! The Robins now have feathers growing over all those pink fleshy bits.

Sunday, May 27, 2007

Blue Tits Fledged

As I suspected, the Blue Tits were ready to leave the nest. I saw the last two leaving just as I was setting off for work on Friday, but I didn't have a chance to take any pictures. However on Sunday morning we were lucky to see an entire nest box of blue tits fledge at my In-laws, so I can post a picture of one of theirs just seconds before it left the nest.

Thursday, May 24, 2007

The Great Tits Have Gone

I checked on the Great Tits box today, and they were no longer there. They fledged sometime between last Friday and today, but we did not see them go.

The Blue Tits are still in their nest box, but it can't be long before they are ready to fledge too.

The Robins are having a snooze. Check out that funky hair style!

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Robins Update

A quick update on the Robins, who are looking really cute. We have had to stop keeping the car in the garage now for fear that the cat will discover the nest and get to it via the car roof.

They certainly look hungry!

Monday, May 21, 2007

Baby Robins Hatch

The robins hatched today. It looks like we have four chicks and one egg which has not hatched properly. They have a lot of 'hair' compared to the tits which were born almost bald.

Meanwhile the blue tits continue to grow fast. I'm a bit concerned about one of them who does not seem to be growing his feathers as fast as the others. You can see him clearly in today's picture here.

The great tits look ready to fledge now.

Friday, May 18, 2007

Full House

What a difference two days makes! Compare this picture with the one taken a couple of days back and the great tit family appears to take up twice as much room! This nest box is going to get awfully crowded at this rate of growth. Their feathers are looking very near fully grown now. I wonder how much longer before they will fledge?

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Nestbox Update

The great tits are looking a bit more developed another 4 days on, showing feathers over most of their bodies rather than just the wings.

The blue tits are growing their feathers now too, but not all at the same speed. One chap seems to be a fair bit pinker than his brothers.

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Another Nest!

As I was getting into my car in the garage this morning, a bird flew off from right by my ear. I had seen a bird in the garage the other day too, so I looked around to see where it had come from. The only obvious place was this basket, which has been hanging on a nail in the garage since before we bought the house.

On closer inspection I spotted five eggs inside. The mother was a Robin who I saw perching on the fridge freeze near the door into the garden. So now we have to keep the car in the road for a few weeks, because otherwise the cat will easily be able to pounce on the nest from the car roof. With the garage empty the basket is safely hung out of reach, and hopefully the cat will not even notice it.

Saturday, May 12, 2007

The Chicks Are Growing Fast

The Great Tit chicks are developing their feathers now. It is difficult to tell, but I think there are eight chicks visible in this picture.

The blue tits are developing fast too. Now six days old they are not quite showing the same level of feather growth as the Great Tits. We don't know exactly which day the Great Tits hatched, but they appear to be a few days ahead of the Blue Tits.

Monday, May 07, 2007

Even More Baby Birds

Two days on and now we have eight baby Blue Tits in the box. It looks like there are three more eggs too, which have not hatched yet.

Sunday, May 06, 2007

Baby Great Tits Too!

While I was watching the birdbox to see whether we had blue tits or great tits nesting in our nestbox, a great tit turned up and was looking around to check it was safe to enter the box with some food. To my surprise this bird then flew into one of the other boxes near to the one I saw the chicks in yesterday. After both parents had flown off I took a quick picture to see what was in this box (it is too high for me to look into quickly, so I just held the camera up and took a snapshot).

The Great Tits appear to prefer the plastic fleece material for their nests. The Great Tit nest last year was made from the same material (which was over the top of the water butts in the garden to try and keep muck out of them).

Saturday, May 05, 2007

Baby Bluetits

After the disappointment of realising that our nestbox fitted with a camera was not going to be used by the birds this year, I got a surprise this weekend. I was checking whether one of the older nextboxes had anything in it as it had been used by a Peacock butterfly over the Winter to hibernate. To my amazement I found three baby chicks looking up at me (I say looking, but they are still blind actually). There appear to be seven more eggs which have not hatched yet.

Saturday, March 24, 2007

We've Got Ducks!

While working on the new garden fence at the weekend, Caroline suddenly exclaimed "We've got ducks!". I looked over to the pond, and there were a couple of Mallard ducks swimming around as happy as anything, sticking their bums in the air as they fed off the bottom! We were amazed. They stayed long enough for me to take some quick photos before flying off.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

New Fence and Last Breath of Winter

The first day of Spring, and one of the more Wintery looking mornings of the past 6 months! We got a light dusting of snow overnight, and woke to this view of the garden. We have been working hard in the garden over a couple of weekends to replace the fence along the entire length of the garden as seen on the left side of this picture. So far we have put up 6 new panels, with 7 and a bit to go. The bulk of the work has actually been in removing the old fence, which was held in place by 20 years of ivy growth. We took the opportunity to dig this out, roots and all on both sides of the fence, along with several Elderberry trees which were pretty well established. The garden already looks much lighter, and we seem to have much more border space than before. This is not because the fence line has moved! We replaced it along the same line. Our neighbour also seems to have more useable border space too. It is the effect of using a lower and more open fence panel style, which we made by combining some 90cm high panels with 60cm lattice panels on top, where there used to be 180cm tall solid lap panels (plus all that ivy of course).

Friday, March 09, 2007

Frogs Spawn in New Pond

I was pleased to discover this morning that the frogs have spawned this year, and chosen the new pond to do so. I grabbed a quick picture as it was a nice morning. There looks to be a lot more spawn than we ever got in the old pond, so I guess they like the new facilities! The new pond has a choice of habitats, and as I expected, they chose the shallower area to leave their spawn. The patch of frog spawn measures about 80cm by 80cm.

Monday, January 08, 2007

End of year bird counts

We have just reached the end of the second year doing the Garden Bird Watch bird survey run by the BTO. Here is the summary data for our garden during this time. The percentages indicate how likely we are to see that particular bird species in any one week:

Species Reporting Rate
95% Collared Dove
95% Blackbird
92% House Sparrow
91% Great Tit
87% Robin
87% Chaffinch
82% Blue Tit
81% Greenfinch
65% Dunnock
60% Woodpigeon
59% Starling
40% Coal Tit
33% Long-tailed Tit
20% Goldfinch
8% Carrion Crow
6% Wren
6% Song Thrush
5% Jay
3% Jackdaw
1% Redwing
1% Mistle Thrush
1% Blackcap
1% Siskin

That makes 23 different species in total. The most we have seen in a single week is 16, and on an average week we see 10 different species. In order to be counted the bird has to be seen making use of the garden, not just seen from the garden. So we can't count birds just flying over (unless they are feeding on insects over the garden for example).