Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Garden Neglect

I have to confess the garden is in a bit of a state at the moment. It was all under control until we went away for a couple of weeks in August, but due to the wet weather while we were away, we returned to a bit of a jungle. We haven't had time to get out and sort it either. Now the evenings are getting dark, it looks like we will be digging out all the weeds once they die back over the Winter.

The walnuts have started to fall now, so the garden is pretty much going to look a mess until after the Autumn leaf fall is over. Even the birds appear to have almost deserted us, with the ample supplies of natural food in the countryside at this time of year. What we need is a good fall of snow to make it all look clean and tidy!

The main project for the Winter is to sort out the bird boxes so they are weathered in ready for next Spring.